
Why You Should Prefer Being in the Flow Instead of Technically Perfect

being in flow state instead of technically perfect

One of the great learnings in my singing practice is that our focus should be staying in a state of flow instead of being technically perfect. Why? Do you agree with that?

The Perfectionism Trap

The more you keep pushing yourself to be technically perfect, the more you get stuck in a self-sabotage pattern, because in doing it you are judging yourself all the time instead of enjoying the pleasure of singing. And the pleasure of singing is the key to being in the flow.

Pleasure Comes First

I realized that when I had no expectations and just sang for the pleasure of singing, I sang the highest notes and the most complex parts without effort.

Then I understood that this psychological and emotional state is the way out for those who have emotional blocks to sing.

Of course you should seek technical improvement, but before you try to execute a note perfectly, or a passage, you should enter the proper mindset. 

And what would that state of mind be?

The Best Mindset to Sing Well

The best state of mind to sing well is self-acceptance. It creates a state of calm, confidence, and pleasure, where feeling good comes first. In place of anxiety about the result, allow yourself just be, without judgment.

This psycho-emotional state turns your body prone to execute the notes almost effortlessly. Unfortunately, this awareness is not commonly found in traditional singing lessons.

Why Traditional Singing Training Fails

A singing training that is based on the constant judgment of how the voice is coming out, is shame-based, and it stops anyone’s flow. That’s why traditional singing training fails to create a safe space for people to overcome emotional blocks to sing.

It’s not the mechanical performance that matters, it’s the contact with yourself. And THIS will create a great performance.

When the focus is on what other people think of you, then you jump into an ego state and lose alignment.

The State of Flow

When your focus is being in contact with yourself and your art is expressed from that centered state, you have inner structure and grounding, and because of THAT, self-confidence.

That is being in the flow, or in the zone.

Of course, it requires daily commitment and is a process of self-discovery.

For me, the state of flow is the true art.

I hope that you found this content helpful – tell me what resonates by leaving a comment below!

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Credits for the images in this post: 1. “wisdom, perfectionism” by Gerd Altmann (geralt) from Pixabay; 2. man silhouette and feelings/thoughts names by Jonh Hain from Pixabay; 3. bird singing by Dieter Seibel (MrLebies) from Pixabay; 4. aligned chakras by Gerd Altmann (geralt) from Pixabay; 5. teacher by Русский (Miroslavik) from Pixabay; 6. image composition ‘the state of flow’: singer by StockSnap from Pixabay; pottery by Ana Krach (ottawagraphics) from Pixabay; violinist by Ben Kerckx (Ben_Kerckx) from Pixabay; ballerina by StockSnap from Pixabay.

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