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We Are Responsible For Creating Beauty: How to Add Pleasure to Your Life

creating beauty

Creating beauty is a natural expression of being human. We are harmonic beings in a harmonic universe. We are beautiful. In every human activity, there is space to create beauty.

In this post, you will understand how consciously creating beauty can add profound meaning to your life.

Beauty in Mythology

Beauty is an elevated principle in mythology. Certainly, you heard about the ancient Greek ideal of beauty and the beauty of the Goddess Venus, called Aphrodite by the Greeks. 

For the ancient Greeks, beauty is seen as an immaterial attribute that manifests itself in the physical, but not only. The meaning of beauty for them is also related to the psychological, to the person’s character. Beauty was an expression of the divine, an ideal to be cultivated.

Interestingly, in the myth of Psyche and Eros, it was necessary for Psyche to deal with two goddesses of beauty, one from the outer world and one from the underworld, Aphrodite and Persephone, before she could meet Love again as a mature woman. From the integration of Psyche and Eros, true joy is born.

Psyche needed to elaborate on the theme of beauty in her journey of maturation and integration with Love.

Beauty is an Outer Expression of Inner Harmony

I understand beauty as an outer expression of an inner state. When we are in a state of alignment with who we really are, creating beauty is instinctive, it is part of expressing our purpose. Whether through a piece of art, an act of kindness, or an insight that brings a solution to a problem, creative beauty makes our lives pleasant. That is the beauty of life.

Beauty and Creativity

Creative activities are a way to express the harmony and beauty that lights inside us, so every activity we do ideally should be done with presence and intention.
But, of course, we can also go in the opposite direction and use these activities to deliberately awaken our connection with our higher self while creating more beauty in our environment.

Repetitive and disconnected activities are poison for the soul. Therefore, how we do our activities, whether they are done mechanically or not, and if they make real sense to us, is crucial. The pleasure we feel in the process, and the sense of fulfillment are the golden indicators we are on our path.
It is not the final product that most matters. The world is not just made of image and appearance, what is seen is a tiny part of beauty. True beauty has a soul, it can be felt.

We all create beauty in our everyday activities

Let’s Celebrate Beauty

Beauty is to be celebrated and cultivated. We are responsible for creating and expressing beauty because it is in our humanity, that is natural for us. Beauty is a letting be much more than a quest. It is to bloom.

Music to connect with the beauty of life

I would like to share with you the music video of my composition ‘Connect With All That Is”. This is a beautiful piece of music with healing sounds to inspire your connection with the wholeness of life!

Hope you found this content helpful – feel welcome to leave a comment below!

Take care! ❤️

Credits for the images in this post: 1. notebook, brushes, and watercolor by Pexels from Pixabay; 2. girl facing the sun by JacksonDavid from Pixabay; 3. The Birth of Venus (Botticelli’s painting) by WikiImages from Pixabay; 4. Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova’s sculpture) by cheneil from Pixabay; 5. work-table by Dorothe (Darkmoon_Art) from Pixabay; 6. image composition ‘beauty in everyday activities’: henna painting by Ben Bernard (BenBernardBags) from Pixabay; work meeting by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay; flute player by Brenda Geisse (brendageisse) from Pixabay; cat by Дарья Будич (dashkabudich) from Pixabay; farm market by Gabe Raggio from Pixabay; spa by Tesa Robbins (TesaPhotography) from Pixabay.

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