8 Books To Help Open Your Singing Voice in Cases of Trauma
Opening your voice to sing in cases of trauma and emotional blockages goes beyond doing vocal exercises and requires a holistic view.In this post, I recommend eight books to help improve your singing voice that address important aspects in overcoming the fear of singing. My Book Recommendations for Opening Your Voice The links are affiliated.…
This Exercise Increases Your Breathing Capacity
Restricted breathing can be a symptom of chronic muscle tensions in response to emotional conflicts throughout the person’s development. The process of increasing breathing capacity is an opening to life.
Effortless Breathing Support and the Art of Being Centered
Through practice, I realized that breathing support is not a matter of effort, but part of the art of being centered. In this post, you will learn how to develop good breathing support using an energetic approach.
Breathe Deeper by Reconnecting With Your Body and Emotions
The amount of air you let in and out is directly influenced by the emotional defenses you develop throughout your life, particularly in the early years. In this post, I share an exercise to help you breathe deeper, reduce anxiety, and relieve stress.
Abdominal Breathing in a Natural Way by Releasing Muscle Tensions
The breathing pattern in adults is often disorganized because of chronic muscular tensions. In this post, I share a strategy to diminish muscle tensions and bring your breath into the abdominal region through self-awareness.
How to Get Lasting Results with Breathing Exercises
Why do many people find it difficult to breathe fully even after doing breathing exercises for a long time? It has much more to do with self-knowledge than is generally imagined.
Why You Should Prefer Being in the Flow Instead of Technically Perfect
One of the great learnings in my singing practice is that our focus should be staying in a state of flow instead of being technically perfect. The perfectionism trap keeps you stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage.
Strategies to Facilitate Singing in Cases of Trauma or Emotional Blocks
There is a deep influence of our emotional state in voice production and singing. Many people had their vocal expression restricted as a child because they were told something like ‘shut up and behave’. Others suffered some type of judgment for their singing performance. All of these situations create an emotional impact that can appear…
Why Beauty is Important
As happens with love, beauty is often misunderstood in our contemporary society. Reduced to its mere physical aspect, demonized as oppressive by those who do not feel graced by it, or even emptied by those who relativize it to the extreme, beauty ceases to be perceived in its essence, and the access to its transcendent…
Effects of Trauma on Singing
Anxiety or panic to sing in front of others or even to practice alone, is a common symptom of emotional blocks to singing, leading to feelings of frustration. It may be related to complex trauma.