
Effortless Breathing Support and the Art of Being Centered

breathing support comes from being centered

Through practice, I realized that breathing support is not a matter of effort, but part of the art of being centered. The proper breathing support is born from the energy center called ‘lower dan tian’ (Chinese Tradition) or ‘hara’ (Japanese Tradition). In this post, you will learn how to develop good breathing support using an energetic approach.

This is the fourth in a series of posts to help you develop natural and healthy breathing, connecting with the wisdom of your body. Subscribe to the ‘Post Notification List’ to receive notifications of upcoming posts.

Practice 4: Breathing Support

Goal: develop breathing support through awareness of your abdominal energy center

✤ Find a comfortable place, and stand up. Take your right hand below your navel and your left hand in the opposite position on your back, as shown in the image above.

✤ Inhale deeply, without tension in your throat. Take the air down, expanding your abdomen and the sides of your ribs. Then, exhale and imagine that your energy is concentrated in your abdominal center, which is exactly this position where your hand touches below the navel.

✤ Repeat this breath several times slowly, and the feeling of centering will grow more and more along with the sense of tranquility and peace.

Practice every day, each time for an amount of time that feels reasonable, 1 to 2 minutes is a good start.

: ) Tips:

♛ The hands only touch the body, it is not to press the hands on the belly and back.

♛ You will notice that it will be much easier to have breathing support when singing because it will flow naturally, without you need to think about it. Breathing with support will be part of you because it is your energy center!

That’s a combination of ancient wisdom with knowledge of vocal technique I’ve developed through practice. My approach to singing includes the energetic body, which makes this practice complete and effective.

I consider this the best breathing exercise because it helps you to center, which is basic for life. To better express yourself in the world it is fundamental to be in balance. Start practicing every day and see the results.

Hope you found this content useful – tell me about your experience with this practice in the comments below!

If you would like to enjoy the content in video format, go to YouTube:

Take care! ❤️

Disclaimer: You are responsible for recognizing your aptitude and limitations when engaging in physical activity and for seeking individualized professional advice if necessary. Be aware!

Credits for the images in this post: 1. [featured image] woman in the meditative pose by Kei (GoldenViolinist) from Pixabay; 2. Carla doing the exercise: personal archive.

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